I need a website where you can find out about women in the field of engineering


Hope these are of some help.




(Broken Link Removed)

U ROCK :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where can i find info about women and engineering

I'm glad you found the suggestions helpful! If you're looking for more information about women in engineering, one great place to start is the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) website. SWE is an organization dedicated to supporting and empowering women in engineering. On their website, you can find resources, articles, and information about women in the field of engineering.

Another option is to visit the website of the Women in Engineering Office (WIEO) at Tufts University. They have a specific focus on promoting women in engineering and provide information about their programs, initiatives, and resources.

You can also check out engineeringwomen.org, although please note that the link provided for it earlier appears to be broken. However, you can try searching for the organization on your preferred search engine to access their website.

By visiting these websites and exploring the resources they offer, you should be able to gather information about women in engineering and learn more about their contributions and achievements in the field.