amos is using a computer program to graph the function

N(p)=-73p-2818. He wants to see the intercepts.

Which minimum values should he use to set up the viewing window?
A) X min:-80, Y min:-2500<----
B) X min:-50, Y min:-3000
C) X min:-2500. Y min: -80
D) X min:-3000, Y min:-50

To find the intercepts of the graph of the function N(p) = -73p - 2818, Amos needs to set up the viewing window of the graphing program. The intercepts occur when the output (N(p)) is equal to zero.

To find the X-intercept, we set N(p) = 0 and solve for p:
0 = -73p - 2818
73p = -2818
p = -2818/73

To find the Y-intercept, we set p = 0 and evaluate N(p):
N(0) = -73(0) - 2818
N(0) = -2818

Now, let's consider the minimum values of the viewing window. The X min value represents the minimum value of the p-axis, and the Y min value represents the minimum value of the N(p)-axis.

Option A) X min: -80, Y min: -2500
This option includes the X-intercept (-2818/73) as it satisfies the condition X min ≤ X-intercept. Also, it includes the Y-intercept (-2818) as it satisfies the condition Y min ≤ Y-intercept. Thus, this option is correct.

Option B) X min: -50, Y min: -3000
This option also includes the X-intercept and the Y-intercept. However, Option A has a smaller value for Y min, making it a better choice.

Option C) X min: -2500, Y min: -80
This option does not include the X-intercept, so it is incorrect.

Option D) X min: -3000, Y min: -50
This option does not include the X-intercept, so it is incorrect.

Therefore, the correct answer is A) X min: -80, Y min: -2500.

It's bad form to describe N(p) and then talk about x and y.

Clearly, the N intercept is at -2818.

What is p when N=0?

Care to reconsider your answer?