Choose 5 ordered pairs whose first component is the additive inverse of the second component. Plot these points and connect them. What kind of figure do you get? In what quadrants does the figure lie?

The figure is a line segment.

It lies in the ll and lV quadrants.

To find the ordered pairs whose first component is the additive inverse of the second component, you can start by selecting any value for the second component and then taking its additive inverse for the first component. Let's choose the second component to be positive integers for simplicity.

Ordered pairs with the first component being the additive inverse of the second component would be: (-1, 1), (-2, 2), (-3, 3), (-4, 4), (-5, 5).

Plotting these points on a coordinate plane and connecting them will form a straight line passing through the origin (0,0).

The figure obtained is a diagonal line that passes through quadrants II and IV of the coordinate plane.

Here's a visual representation of the plot:

IV |
II |

The diagonal line starts at (-1, 1) in the second quadrant and extends through the origin to (1, -1) in the fourth quadrant.

you reply 4 years and 10days after
