A comma splice is a(n)

incorrect use of a comma to correct a run-on sentence

correct use of a comma to correct a run-on sentence

incorrect combining of two dependent clauses

way to correctly combine two dependent clauses

is it a pls help

Yes, a. :-)

A comma splice is an incorrect use of a comma to correct a run-on sentence. When two independent clauses (complete sentences) are mistakenly combined with only a comma, it results in a comma splice. To correct a comma splice, you can choose from a few different options:

1. Replace the comma with a period to create two separate sentences.
2. Use a semicolon (;) instead of a comma to join the two independent clauses.
3. Add a coordinating conjunction (such as "and," "but," "or") after the comma to combine the clauses correctly.
4. Transform one of the independent clauses into a dependent clause by adding a subordinating word (such as "because," "although," "while") to create a complex sentence.

So, in summary, a comma splice is an incorrect use of a comma to correct a run-on sentence, and it can be fixed by following one of the suggested methods.