What type of community art would likely hang on the walls of a Greek sanctuary?

A plaque to honor the gods. (MY ANSWER)

A carving of everyday activities.

A painting of a common citizen.

A plaque depicting local plants.

Assuming this is an ancient Greek sanctuary, you're right.

Yes, also using process of elimination A would make the most sense.


Great question! Greek sanctuaries were places of religious significance, often dedicated to specific gods or goddesses. The type of community art you would likely find hanging on the walls of a Greek sanctuary would be a plaque to honor the gods.

To understand why this is the most likely answer, let's break down the options:

1. A plaque to honor the gods: This is the most appropriate type of art to hang in a Greek sanctuary. The ancient Greeks held a deep reverence for their gods, and it was common to have dedicatory plaques or inscriptions on the walls of their sanctuaries to show respect and devotion to the deities. These plaques often contained grateful words or prayers, serving as a form of art that demonstrated the community's religious beliefs.

2. A carving of everyday activities: While there might be depictions of everyday activities in some Greek art, it is less likely to be found on the walls of a sanctuary. Greek sanctuaries were primarily focused on worship and religious rituals, so artworks depicting mundane activities would have been less common in this specific context.

3. A painting of a common citizen: Similar to the previous option, paintings of common citizens would have been more likely in other settings such as homes or public spaces rather than the walls of a Greek sanctuary. Sanctuaries were reserved for gods and religious practices, and the art displayed usually honored the divine.

4. A plaque depicting local plants: While depictions of nature were common in Greek art, including plant motifs, it is less likely that a sanctuary would have a plaque solely depicting local plants. Nature could be incorporated into the artistic representations within a sanctuary, but the primary focus would be on the gods or goddesses being worshipped.

So, based on cultural and historical context, a plaque to honor the gods would be the most fitting type of community art to find on the walls of a Greek sanctuary.