Ramon has 2,340 in his savings account write an expression for the amount in his account after he deposits d dollars and withdraws w dollars if he deposits 100.00 and then withdraws half as much as he deposited, how much is in his account

2340 + 100 - 50

Thank you it's

To find the amount in Ramon's account after he deposits d dollars and withdraws w dollars, you can start with the initial amount in his account (2,340) and then add the deposit and subtract the withdrawal.

Let's write the expression:

Amount in his account = 2,340 + deposit - withdrawal

Since Ramon deposits $100.00, we can substitute d = 100.00 into the expression:

Amount in his account = 2,340 + 100.00 - withdrawal

Now, let's determine the withdrawal amount. The question states that Ramon withdraws half as much as he deposited. Since he deposited $100.00, his withdrawal would be half of that:

Withdrawal = 0.5 * deposit

Substituting the deposit amount into the withdrawal equation:

Withdrawal = 0.5 * 100.00 = 50.00

Now, we can substitute the withdrawal amount (w) into the expression:

Amount in his account = 2,340 + 100.00 - 50.00

Calculating this expression, we find:

Amount in his account = $2,390.00

Therefore, there is $2,390.00 in Ramon's account after depositing $100.00 and then withdrawing half of that amount.