1. Which of the following are educational improvements made in Georgia after World War II? (Choose all that apply.) (2 points)

Correct answers are :

1. B,C
2. B,D

Reed your stupid, that's not one of the choices, Anonymous forgot to put them in his/her question. i know the question because i'm doing that assessment now, the choices are:

A. Teacher salaries decreased due to higher taxes for education.
B. A statewide core curriculum was established.
C. Public school teachers went through a certification process.
D. Standardized testing was banned.

i honestly think it is B and C. but get more research before you just choose them, as i said, "I think" so i am not entirely sure.

None of the above.

what about the other questions?

I GOT YOU FAM is correct :)

100% 6/6 trust me!!!!

To determine the educational improvements made in Georgia after World War II, you can refer to historical sources like textbooks, scholarly articles, and government records. These sources will provide specific information about the changes implemented during that time. Here are some potential improvements that might have taken place:

1. Increased educational funding: After World War II, it is possible that Georgia increased its investment in education, allocating more resources to schools and infrastructure development.

2. Curriculum enhancements: There might have been updates to the curriculum, ensuring a broader range of subjects and incorporating new educational theories.

3. Expansion of school facilities: To accommodate a growing population and address post-war educational needs, Georgia might have constructed new schools, expanded existing ones, or improved facilities.

4. Teacher training and professional development: The state could have enhanced opportunities for teacher training and professional development programs to improve instructional methods.

5. Integration efforts: Depending on the specific timeline, Georgia may have made efforts to desegregate schools and promote equality in education following the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision (1954).

Note: As an AI, I don't have access to real-time data or historical records, so it is important to consult reliable sources to confirm the specific educational improvements made in Georgia after World War II.