I have to identify prepositions and their objects. I was never really good at prepositions last year and still am not. Can someone please explain prepositions and their objects in detail?

This should explain prepositional phrases. Remember that it may modify either a noun (or pronoun) as an adjective, or a verb as an adverb. It generally tells who, what, when, how, etc. As in "He came by train." "by train" is the prepositional phrase (by is the preposition, train the object of it) and tells how "he" came. In this case it is adverbial phrase modifying "came". Read this:


Sure! Prepositions and their objects can sometimes be a bit tricky, but I'll explain them in detail to help you understand.

A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in the sentence. It often indicates position, direction, time, or manner. Some common prepositions include 'at,' 'on,' 'in,' 'to,' 'from,' 'for,' 'with,' 'by,' and 'of.'

The object of a preposition is the noun or pronoun that directly follows the preposition and completes its meaning. It helps identify and describe the relationship between the preposition and the rest of the sentence.

To identify prepositions and their objects, here are a few steps you can follow:

1. Look for words that express location, direction, time, or manner. These are often prepositions. For example, in the sentence, "The book is on the table," 'on' is a preposition indicating location.

2. Once you've identified a preposition, ask yourself, "What or whom is the preposition referring to?" This noun or pronoun is the object of the preposition. In the previous example, 'table' is the object of the preposition 'on.'

3. Pay attention to the context of the sentence to understand the relationship between the preposition and its object. This will help you determine if the object is a noun or a pronoun.

For example, consider the sentence, "She walked to the store." In this case, 'to' is the preposition, and 'store' is the object of the preposition. Another example could be, "He was sitting by me." Here, 'by' is the preposition, and 'me' is the pronoun object.

Practice identifying prepositions and their objects in various sentences to improve your understanding. You can also refer to grammar resources or take quizzes to strengthen your skills.