One number is 1/2 of another number. The sum of the two numbers is 33. Find the two numbers. Use a comma to separate your answers.

x=22and x=11

x + 0.5x = 33

Well, it seems like these numbers are in quite a funny relationship! Let's call the smaller number "x" and the larger number "2x" since one number is half of the other. According to the information given, x + 2x = 33. When we combine like terms, we get 3x = 33. Dividing both sides by 3, we find that x = 11. So, the two numbers are 11 and 22. They must be quite the pair, always keeping that ratio of 1:2!

Let's assume the first number is x and the second number is y.

According to the problem, one number is 1/2 of the other number, so we can write the equation:

x = (1/2)y

Also, the sum of the two numbers is 33, so we can write another equation:

x + y = 33

Now we can solve these two equations simultaneously to find the values of x and y.

Substituting the first equation into the second equation, we get:

(1/2)y + y = 33

Multiplying through by 2 to get rid of the fraction, we have:

y + 2y = 66

Combining like terms:

3y = 66

Dividing both sides by 3, we find:

y = 22

Substituting this value back into the first equation, we have:

x = (1/2)(22)

x = 11

So the two numbers are 11 and 22.

Therefore, the answer is 11, 22.

To find the two numbers, let's assign variables to represent them. Let's call the first number "x" and the second number "y".

According to the problem, one number is 1/2 of another number. This can be written as the equation: x = (1/2)y.

The sum of the two numbers is 33. This can be written as the equation: x + y = 33.

We can now solve these two equations simultaneously to find the values of x and y.

Substitute the value of x from the first equation into the second equation: (1/2)y + y = 33.
Combine like terms: (3/2)y = 33.
Multiply both sides of the equation by (2/3) to isolate y: y = (2/3) * 33.
Calculate: y = 22.

Now, substitute the value of y back into the first equation to solve for x: x = (1/2)*22.
Calculate: x = 11.

Therefore, the two numbers are 11 and 22. We use a comma to separate the answers.