The Supreme Court decision in Gray v. Sanders (1963) was instrumental in

A) establishing the "one person, one vote" standard for legislative districting.
B) overturning the long-standing "separate but equal" standard in education.
C) legalizing a woman's access to abortion services.
D) giving young people more voting rights.
I don't know I believe its B I really don't know can you help?

B is wrong.

What does Google or your text say about this decision?

Of course! I'd be happy to help you determine the correct answer. The Supreme Court decision you mentioned, Gray v. Sanders (1963), had a significant impact on a particular issue. To find the correct answer, we can analyze the options you provided one by one and see which one is most closely related to the case.

A) The option "establishing the 'one person, one vote' standard for legislative districting" refers to the concept that each citizen's vote should have equal weight in elections. This issue was addressed in a different Supreme Court case, Wesberry v. Sanders (1965), not Gray v. Sanders. So, we can eliminate option A.

B) The option "overturning the long-standing 'separate but equal' standard in education" is not related to Gray v. Sanders. The case focused specifically on the voting rights of Georgia citizens, and the "separate but equal" standard was addressed in a separate case, Brown v. Board of Education (1954). Thus, we can eliminate option B.

C) The option "legalizing a woman's access to abortion services" is also unrelated to the Gray v. Sanders case. The ruling did not impact abortion rights, as that issue falls under the purview of different Supreme Court cases like Roe v. Wade (1973). So, we can eliminate option C.

D) The option "giving young people more voting rights" does not align with the ruling of the Gray v. Sanders case. The case primarily addressed the voting rights of adult Georgia citizens and did not specifically address young people's voting rights. Hence, we can eliminate option D.

By eliminating all the options, we can conclude that the correct answer is:

A) Establishing the "one person, one vote" standard for legislative districting.

I hope this analysis helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.