Hill crest public school held its annual skating party and 3/4 of the 480 students came.Of the students who came,1/5 brought skates from home. How many students rented skates?

480 * (3/4) * (4/5) = ?

Think of it like this...

You have 480 students
To calculate 3/4 of the population(75%), you do: (0.75)(480) which equals 360 students.
Now, we take that number and multiply it by (1/5)
That will give you the answer.

AlphaPrimes is wrong. 4/5 need to rent skates.

To find out how many students rented skates, we need to calculate the number of students who brought skates from home and subtract it from the total number of students who attended the skating party.

Step 1: Calculate the number of students who attended the skating party.
To calculate this, we need to find 3/4 of the total number of students in Hill Crest Public School.
3/4 * 480 = 360

So, 360 students attended the skating party.

Step 2: Calculate the number of students who brought skates from home.
To calculate this, we need to find 1/5 of the number of students who attended the skating party.
1/5 * 360 = 72

So, 72 students brought skates from home.

Step 3: Calculate the number of students who rented skates.
To calculate this, we subtract the number of students who brought skates from the total number of students who attended the skating party.
360 - 72 = 288

Therefore, 288 students rented skates.