What is the capital city in the African country?Also What Pyrenees mountains boreder Spainand this European counttry?

Capital city in WHICH African country? There are many countries on the African continent.

Go to http://www.answers.com and enter pyrenees to find the name of the other country. Or you could look at a map of Europe. It's very obvious when you look at a map!


To find out the capital city in a specific African country, you can utilize various methods. Here are a few steps you can follow:

1. Identify the specific African country for which you want to know the capital city. For example, if you want to know the capital city of Nigeria, specify Nigeria as your target country.

2. Once you have identified the country, you can use online search engines like Google or reference websites like CIA World Factbook, Britannica, or Wikipedia to find the capital city of that particular country. Searching for "capital city of [country name]" will usually give you the desired information in the search results.

As for the Pyrenees mountains, which form a natural border between France and Spain, you can follow these steps to determine the country on the other side:

1. Visit a mapping website or use a world map or atlas.

2. Locate the Pyrenees mountains on the map, which are located in the southwestern part of Europe.

3. Identify the side of the mountains that borders Spain.

4. Find the opposite side of the mountains, which will thus border a different country.

Alternatively, you can simply search for "Pyrenees mountains border Spain" on search engines or reference websites to quickly find the other country that shares its border with the Pyrenees mountains.