Using pseudocode or a flowchart write a program that does the following:

Design the logic for the game Hangman, in which the user guesses letters in a hidden word.
Store the letters of a word in an array of characters.
Display a dash for each missing letter.
Allow the user to continuously guess a letter until all the letters in the word are guessed correctly.
As the user enters each guess, display the word again, filling in the guessed letter if it was correct. For example, if the hidden word is computer, first display a series of eight dashes: --------. After the user guesses p, the display becomes ---p----.
Make sure that when a user makes a correct guess, all the matching letters are filled in. For example, if the word is banana and the user guesses a, all three a characters must be filled in.
Change the hidden word to onomatopoeia and adjust the logic to work properly.


Here is a possible pseudocode solution for the Hangman game, with the adjusted logic to work with the word "onomatopoeia":

1. Initialize variables:
- word = "onomatopoeia"
- guessedWord = an array of dashes with the same length as the word
- incorrectGuesses = empty array
- maxIncorrectGuesses = 6
- gameOver = false

2. Display "Welcome to Hangman! Let's play."

3. Repeat until gameOver is true:
- Display the current state of guessedWord as a string
- Prompt the user to guess a letter

4. Check if the guessed letter is a correct guess:
- If it is a correct guess:
- Update guessedWord by replacing dashes with the correct guessed letter
- If it is an incorrect guess:
- Add the guessed letter to the incorrectGuesses array
- Check if the number of incorrect guesses equals maxIncorrectGuesses
- If it does, set gameOver to true (hangman's been fully drawn!)

5. Check if the word has been fully guessed:
- If guessedWord is equal to the word:
- Set gameOver to true

6. Display the final state of the guessedWord
7. If the player won, display "Congratulations! You guessed the word correctly."
Otherwise, display "Game over. You lost."

8. End the game


This is a basic outline of the logic for the Hangman game. You can use this as a starting point and add more features or improvements as desired.

Sure! Here's a pseudocode example for a Hangman game that implements the logic you described:

1. Define the hidden word as a constant: hiddenWord = "onomatopoeia"

2. Create an array of characters to store the letters of the hidden word: wordArray = [ ]

3. Initialize an array to track the guessed letters: guessedLetters = [ ]

4. Populate the wordArray with dash characters for each letter in the hidden word:
for each letter in hiddenWord:

5. Create a variable to track the number of incorrect guesses: incorrectGuesses = 0

6. While "-" in wordArray:
6.1. Display the wordArray as a string.
6.2. Prompt the user to enter a letter as a guess.
6.3. Add the guessed letter to the guessedLetters array.
6.4. If the guessed letter is in the hiddenWord:
6.4.1. Replace the corresponding dashes in wordArray with the correct letter.
6.5. Else:
6.5.1. Increment the incorrectGuesses variable.
6.6. If incorrectGuesses reaches a certain number (e.g., 6):
6.6.1. Display a message indicating the game is over and the player lost.
6.6.2. End the loop.
6.7. If "-" in wordArray:
6.7.1. Continue to the next iteration of the loop.

7. Display a message indicating the game is over and the player won.

That's the basic logic for a Hangman game. You can implement this pseudocode in your preferred programming language using loops, arrays, and conditional statements. Additionally, you can enhance the game with features such as input validation, a limit on the number of guesses, and a visual representation of the hangman itself.