

1. 4/�ã3
2. 12-6�ã3
3. �ã3-2
4. 3

plz help!!!

I don't know what happened must be a typo. all of the a's are supposed to be sqrd

type wit normal font. Didn't get what you typed

all the a's are supposed to bee square roots

To simplify the expression 6/√3 + 2, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the square root (√) part of the expression.
The square root of 3 (√3) cannot be simplified further, so it remains as is.

Step 2: Perform the division (6/√3).
To divide by a fraction (√3), we can multiply the numerator (6) by the reciprocal of the denominator (1/√3). When we do that, we get:
6 * (1/√3) = 6/√3.

Step 3: Simplify the result of the division.
We already have 6/√3 from Step 2.

Step 4: Combine the simplified division result with the remaining term (2).
The final simplified expression is: 6/√3 + 2.

Therefore, none of the options given (1. 4/√3, 2. 12-6√3, 3. √3-2, 4. 3) matches the simplified form of the expression 6/√3 + 2.