4.)Which type of energy in the bungee cord prevents the bungee jumper from hitting the ground after a jump?

A.)Kinetic energy
B.)Elastic potential energy
C.)Magnetic potential energy
D.)Thermal energy

Yes, I actually did this question today for my 8th grade test.

the anser is b I promise thanks!!!!! a lot!!!!!

It is b

its does b so every body say b


b trust me

The type of energy in the bungee cord that prevents the bungee jumper from hitting the ground after a jump is elastic potential energy. To understand why, let's break down the concept.

Elastic potential energy is the energy stored in an object when it is stretched or compressed. In the case of a bungee cord, when the jumper jumps off a platform, the cord gets stretched as it extends. This stretching of the bungee cord stores elastic potential energy.

As the jumper falls towards the ground, the potential energy stored in the stretched bungee cord gets converted into kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. The bungee cord transfers the stored elastic potential energy into kinetic energy as it contracts or recoils back to its original shape.

At the lowest point of the fall, when the bungee cord is fully contracted, all of the potential energy has been converted into kinetic energy. This kinetic energy propels the jumper back upwards. The bungee cord stretches again, and the process repeats, converting the kinetic energy back into elastic potential energy.

This back-and-forth conversion of energy between elastic potential energy and kinetic energy allows the bungee jumper to bounce up and down, preventing them from hitting the ground. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is B) Elastic potential energy.