Two nomads leave camp at the same walks at 5km/h on a bearing 039 degree.the other walks at 7.5km/h on a bearing 265 degree.after 2 hours how far apart are they and what is the bearing of the second from the first?

To find the distance between the two nomads after 2 hours, we need to calculate how far each nomad has traveled.

Nomad 1:
Distance = Speed × Time
Distance = 5 km/h × 2 hours
Distance = 10 km

Nomad 2:
Distance = Speed × Time
Distance = 7.5 km/h × 2 hours
Distance = 15 km

After 2 hours, Nomad 1 has traveled 10 km and Nomad 2 has traveled 15 km. To find the distance between them, we can use the Pythagorean theorem.

Distance between the two nomads = √[(Distance of Nomad 1)² + (Distance of Nomad 2)²]
Distance between the two nomads = √[(10 km)² + (15 km)²]
Distance between the two nomads = √[100 km² + 225 km²]
Distance between the two nomads = √(325 km²)
Distance between the two nomads ≈ 18.03 km (rounded to two decimal places)

To find the bearing of the second nomad from the first, we need to calculate the angle formed by the line connecting the two nomads with the north direction (measured clockwise).

Bearing = 360° - Angle1 - Angle2

Angle1 = 039°
Angle2 = 265°

Bearing = 360° - 039° - 265°
Bearing = 360° - 304°
Bearing ≈ 56° (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, after 2 hours, the two nomads are approximately 18.03 km apart, and the bearing of the second nomad from the first is approximately 56°.