design a progaram that accepts a number representing a class and then displays the class name

To design a program that accepts a number representing a class and displays the class name, you can follow these steps:

1. Define a dictionary that maps the class number to its corresponding class name. For example:
class_map = {
1: 'Math',
2: 'Science',
3: 'History',
# Add more class numbers and names as needed

2. Prompt the user to enter the class number:
class_number = int(input("Enter the class number: "))

3. Use a try-except block to handle invalid input. If the user enters a class number that is not present in the dictionary, display an error message:
class_name = class_map[class_number]
print("Class name:", class_name)
except KeyError:
print("Invalid class number!")

4. The program will now display the corresponding class name based on the entered class number.

Putting it all together, here's the complete program:

class_map = {
1: 'Math',
2: 'Science',
3: 'History',
# Add more class numbers and names as needed

class_number = int(input("Enter the class number: "))

class_name = class_map[class_number]
print("Class name:", class_name)
except KeyError:
print("Invalid class number!")

You can modify the `class_map` dictionary to include more class numbers and their respective names as needed.