What qualities and actions define someone as a betrayer? Provide examples from history or literature to support your definition.

The qualities and actions that define someone as a betrayer can vary based on context and perspective, but generally, a betrayer is someone who deceives or betrays the trust of others for personal gain, revenge, or to serve their own agenda. Here are some qualities and actions often associated with betrayers:

1. Deception: Betrayers often engage in manipulative and deceptive behavior, hiding their true motives or intentions from those they betray. This can include lying, misleading, or withholding information.

2. Disloyalty: Betrayers demonstrate a lack of loyalty to their friends, allies, or a cause they were once associated with. They may switch sides or betray the trust of those who relied on them.

3. Betrayal for personal gain: One common motive for betrayal is personal gain. Betrayers may prioritize their own interests or desires over the well-being of others, even if it means causing harm or damage.

4. Revenge: Some betrayers seek revenge against those they feel have wronged them, using betrayal as a means to hurt or betray those who they perceive as their enemies.

5. Breaking promises or commitments: Betrayers often break promises, commitments, or agreements they have made with others, disregarding the trust and expectations placed in them.

Here are a few examples from history and literature:

1. Julius Caesar and Marcus Brutus (History - Ancient Rome): In Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar," Brutus is convinced by other conspirators to betray his close friend Julius Caesar and participate in his assassination, believing it to be for the greater good of Rome.

2. Judas Iscariot (Biblical Story): Judas is known for betraying Jesus in the Bible, accepting thirty pieces of silver from the authorities in exchange for revealing Jesus' location, which led to his arrest and crucifixion.

3. Iago from "Othello" (Literature): In Shakespeare's play "Othello," Iago embodies the qualities of a betrayer. He manipulates Othello's trust, inciting jealousy and ultimately orchestrating the downfall of both Othello and his wife, Desdemona.

4. Benedict Arnold (History - American Revolution): Benedict Arnold was a general during the American Revolution who initially fought for the American cause but later switched his allegiance to the British, plotting to surrender the strategic fort at West Point.

These examples illustrate various motivations and actions associated with betrayal, emphasizing the harm caused to those who place trust in the betrayer.