Fill in the blanks with appropriate form of verb (past tense)

The jewellery _____(be give)to her by her husband, who _____ died some years before. Since his death, she did not have the heart to wear it, yet she did not want to sell it. Now it seemed that fate ____ (Take) the matter out of her hands.
(I think the answers are was given, died, had taken... Am I correct?)

2)Of the two toys, the child chose _____
a) the most expensive
b)the less expensive
c)the least expensive
D) the least expensive one
e)the most expensive of them
(I think the answer is option D) or E), am I correct? )

Your first answer is right.

Neither of your second answers is correct. Remember, the child is only choosing between two toys.

Then is option b) correct?

Yes, b is correct. Always use more or less when comparing two things.

What if one of the options was "the one most expensive" then which one would be correct?

If yes, why?

In question 1, am I allowed to write "took" in the last blank?

Why/ Why not?

1) Yes, your answers are correct. The correct forms of the verbs in the blanks are: "was given" for the first blank, "died" for the second blank, and "had taken" for the third blank.

To arrive at these answers, you need to consider the past tense forms of the verbs. In the first blank, the verb "be" should take the past tense form "was" to agree with the subject "jewellery." The verb "give" should be in the past participle form "given" to describe the action that was done to the jewellery in the past.

In the second blank, the verb "die" should be in the simple past tense form "died" to indicate that the husband passed away in the past.

In the third blank, the verb "take" should be in the past perfect tense form "had taken" to show that fate had done something before the moment mentioned in the sentence.

2) Your answer is correct. The correct option is D) "the least expensive one."

To determine the correct option, you need to examine the comparative forms of the adjectives "expensive" and "less expensive." Since there are only two toys being compared, you should use the comparative form "less expensive." Adding the article "the" before "less expensive" and then the noun "one" makes the correct option "the least expensive one." Option E) "the most expensive of them" is incorrect because it compares the toys using the superlative form "most expensive," which is not appropriate for two items.