which inventions of the sumerians do you think have a impact on them

The ancient Sumerians made several significant inventions that had a profound impact on their civilization and influence on later societies. Here are a few noteworthy inventions:

1. Writing: The Sumerians developed one of the earliest known writing systems called cuneiform. They used wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets to record information such as administrative records, literature, and laws. The invention of writing revolutionized communication, administration, and the preservation of knowledge.

To learn more about the Sumerian invention of writing, you can search for credible sources, visit reputable museums or archaeological websites, or read books on ancient history and civilizations.

2. Wheel: The Sumerians are credited with inventing the wheel. They initially used it for pottery-making but soon recognized its usefulness in transportation. The invention of the wheel enabled the development of wheeled vehicles, improving trade, transportation, and agriculture.

To explore more about the Sumerian invention of the wheel, you can consult archaeological research papers, books on ancient technology, or educational videos on the topic.

3. Irrigation Systems: As agrarian societies, the Sumerians faced challenges in managing water for agriculture. They constructed irrigation systems such as canals and dikes to control and distribute water, allowing them to cultivate crops more efficiently. These irrigation techniques not only led to increased agricultural productivity but also enabled the growth of urban centers.

To delve deeper into the Sumerian irrigation systems, you can study books on ancient agriculture, consult academic journals related to ancient engineering, or explore educational resources related to ancient civilizations.

Remember, while I can provide brief explanations here, it is always beneficial to explore additional sources for more detailed and comprehensive information.