find the values of cosine 21 degrees, and sine 3 pi divided by 10

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cosine 21 degrees -0.5477, sine 3pi divided by 10 .01644

To find the values of cosine 21 degrees and sine 3 pi divided by 10, you can use a scientific calculator or the trigonometric functions of your calculator program.

For cosine 21 degrees:
1. Make sure your calculator is set to degree mode.
2. Enter "cos(21)" or "cosine(21)" into your calculator and press enter.
3. The calculator will give you the value of cosine 21 degrees, which is approximately 0.927.

For sine 3 pi divided by 10:
1. Convert 3 pi divided by 10 into degrees. Since pi radians is equal to 180 degrees, divide 180 by 10 to get 18 degrees. Then multiply this by 3 to get 54 degrees.
2. Make sure your calculator is set to degree mode.
3. Enter "sin(54)" or "sine(54)" into your calculator and press enter.
4. The calculator will give you the value of sine 3 pi divided by 10, which is approximately 0.819.

So, the values of cosine 21 degrees is approximately 0.927, and sine 3 pi divided by 10 is approximately 0.819.