1. Sixth Amendment

"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, . . ."

What were the Founding Fathers most likely concerned about based on this text?

A) keeping citizens involved in the due process of law

B) the cost of housing for the accused

C) fairness for the accused and keeping trials open to the people and communities involved *

D) hardships placed upon the judicial systems across the nation


2. Which question did the case of Bush v. Gore help answer?

A) Should counties use different methods for recording votes and performing recounts during presidential elections?

B) Should there be recounts in every state if there is a question about the number of votes during a presidential election? *

C) Should the number of popular votes or electoral votes count more during a presidential election?

D) Should the number of electoral votes that each state has change depending on the outcome of a presidential election?


3. In the 1983 case of Hazelwood v. Kulhmeier, did the Supreme Court agree or disagree with the principal and why?

A) The Supreme Court agreed with the principal stating educational administrators had the right to censor material that was deemed contrary to the school's educational mission. *

B) The Supreme Court disagreed with the principal stating that newspaper editors could print students' stories and opinions without censorship as long as the material was not profane.

C) The Supreme Court disagreed with the principal citing Tinker v. Des Moines and stated the principal had violated the students' First Amendment rights of freedom of speech.

D) The Supreme Court agreed with the principal but said the article could be published in the school newspaper as long as the father's response was also included in the article.


4. A homeless man is accused of robbing a liquor store. Which of the following should happen, and which cases(s) established this process?

A) The man should be allowed one phone call (in re Gault) and allowed to face his accuser in court (Gideon v. Wainwright).

B) The man should be informed of his rights (Miranda v. Arizona) and told his accuser's name (in re Gault).

C) The man should be informed of his rights (Miranda v. Arizona) and provided an attorney (Gideon v. Wainwright). *

D) The man should receive official notice of charges (in re Gault) and questioned with an attorney present (Miranda v. Arizona).

1 - correct

2 - no
3 - correct
4 - correct

A homeless man is accused of robbing a liquor store.

Which of the following should happen, and which cases(s) established this process?

The man should be allowed one phone call (in re Gault) and allowed to face his accuser in court (Gideon v. Wainwright).
The man should be informed of his rights (Miranda v. Arizona) and told his accuser's name (in re Gault).
The man should be informed of his rights (Miranda v. Arizona) and provided an attorney (Gideon v. Wainwright).
The man should receive official notice of charges (in re Gault) and questioned with an attorney present (Miranda v. Arizona).

1. The correct answer is C) fairness for the accused and keeping trials open to the people and communities involved.

To determine the Founding Fathers' concerns based on the text of the Sixth Amendment, we can analyze the language used. The phrase "the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial" highlights two important aspects: speediness and publicity. This suggests that the Founding Fathers were concerned about ensuring that individuals accused of crimes have their cases resolved quickly and that the trials are conducted in a public manner.

The phrase "by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed" emphasizes the importance of having a fair and unbiased jury. This reflects a concern for fairness and ensuring that the accused has the right to be judged by a jury of their peers from the same locality where the crime occurred.

Overall, the text of the Sixth Amendment suggests that the Founding Fathers were primarily concerned with fairness and keeping trials open to the people and communities involved.

2. The correct answer is B) Should there be recounts in every state if there is a question about the number of votes during a presidential election?

To understand which question the case of Bush v. Gore helped answer, we need to examine the context of the case. Bush v. Gore was a Supreme Court case that was decided in 2000 and involved the disputed presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore.

During this case, the central issue was whether there should be a recount of the votes in Florida due to questions about the number of votes cast. The Supreme Court's ruling in Bush v. Gore ultimately ended the recounts in Florida, decisively answering the question regarding recounts.

Therefore, the case of Bush v. Gore helped answer the question of whether there should be recounts in every state if there is a question about the number of votes during a presidential election.

3. The correct answer is A) The Supreme Court agreed with the principal stating educational administrators had the right to censor material that was deemed contrary to the school's educational mission.

To determine the Supreme Court's position in the case of Hazelwood v. Kulhmeier, we can examine the ruling and its reasoning. In Hazelwood v. Kulhmeier, the Supreme Court ruled on the authority of school officials to censor student newspapers. The case originated from a dispute over school administrators' decision to remove articles from a school newspaper.

The Supreme Court ultimately ruled in favor of the principal, stating that educational administrators had the right to censor material that was deemed contrary to the school's educational mission. Their reasoning was that schools have the authority to control the content of school-sponsored publications to ensure that they promote the educational objectives of the institution.

Therefore, the Supreme Court agreed with the principal in Hazelwood v. Kulhmeier, stating that educational administrators had the right to censor material that was deemed contrary to the school's educational mission.

4. The correct answer is C) The man should be informed of his rights (Miranda v. Arizona) and provided an attorney (Gideon v. Wainwright).

To determine the correct process and the relevant cases for a homeless man accused of robbing a liquor store, we can analyze the protections and procedures established by specific Supreme Court cases.

The case of Miranda v. Arizona established that individuals must be informed of their rights before being questioned by the police. This includes the right to remain silent and the right to have an attorney present during questioning.

The case of Gideon v. Wainwright established that individuals accused of crimes have the right to be provided with an attorney, even if they cannot afford one. The court ruled that legal representation is fundamental to a fair trial and is guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment.

Therefore, in the scenario of a homeless man accused of robbing a liquor store, the process should include informing him of his rights (Miranda v. Arizona) and providing him with an attorney (Gideon v. Wainwright).