If you randomly select a card from a well-shuffled standard deck of 52 cards, what is the probability that the card you select is a Queen or Jack?

8/52 = 4/26 = 2/13


To find the probability of selecting a Queen or Jack from a well-shuffled standard deck of 52 cards, we need to determine the number of favorable outcomes (cards that are Queens or Jacks) and the total number of possible outcomes (total number of cards in the deck).

First, let's determine the number of favorable outcomes, which is the number of Queens and Jacks in the deck. In a standard deck, there are 4 Queens (one in each suit) and 4 Jacks (also one in each suit), so the total number of favorable outcomes is 4 + 4 = 8.

Next, let's determine the total number of possible outcomes, which is the total number of cards in the deck. In a standard deck, there are 52 cards.

Therefore, the probability of selecting a Queen or Jack is given by:

Probability = Number of favorable outcomes / Total number of possible outcomes

Probability = 8 / 52

Simplifying the fraction, we get:

Probability = 2 / 13

So, the probability of selecting a Queen or Jack from a well-shuffled standard deck of 52 cards is 2/13.