the island Bermuda is a colony of what nation? And What is the capital of alaska?

Bermuda is an "overseas territory" of the United Kingdom. They don't like to use the word "colony" anymore. Juneau is the capital of Alaska.

Check these excellent sources.

The island Bermuda is a British Overseas Territory, which means it is a colony of the United Kingdom. To find the answer to this question, you can use various methods. One approach is to conduct an online search using a search engine such as Google. Simply type in the query "Is Bermuda a colony of what nation?" or a similar sentence, and the search engine will provide you with the necessary information.

As for the second question, the capital of Alaska is Juneau. Similarly, you can research this information by performing a search query online such as "What is the capital of Alaska?" or through other means, such as consulting a reliable atlas or geography textbook.