The letters in the word MATHEMATICS are arranged randomly.

What is the probability that the first letter is E?

What is the probability that the first letter is M?

#of E's/total number of letters = ?

#of M's/total number of letters = ?



what is P(n,p)?

To calculate the probability, we need to determine the total number of possible outcomes and the number of favorable outcomes.

Total number of outcomes: The word "MATHEMATICS" has a total of 11 letters. Hence, there are 11 possible letters that could be the first letter.

Number of favorable outcomes (in this case, the first letter being E): There is only 1 occurrence of the letter E in the word "MATHEMATICS".

Thus, the probability of the first letter being E is 1 out of 11, or 1/11.

To calculate the probability of the first letter being M, we follow the same steps:

Total number of outcomes: The word "MATHEMATICS" has a total of 11 letters. Hence, there are 11 possible letters that could be the first letter.

Number of favorable outcomes (in this case, the first letter being M): There are 2 occurrences of the letter M in the word "MATHEMATICS".

Thus, the probability of the first letter being M is 2 out of 11, or 2/11.