Waseem buys jeans worth Rs6650. He gets a rebate of 6% on it. After getting the rebate, he pays sales tax@ 10%. Find the amount he will have to pay for the jeans.

6650*10/100=665 6650+665= 7315

7315*6/100= 438.9
7315-438.9= 6876.1

Steve can u please elaborate the figures i-e 0.94 and 1.10 where did they come from and how u solved them ?

100 - 6 = 94

* means multiply

Thanks Ms Sue can u briefly explain it i mean step wise as i am not getting 1.10 where it came from and how to solve it ?

1.10 = the price plus 10% sales tax

Ms Sue Thank You So Much

You are very welcome, Adeel Jan

Please send the answer with complete detail and solution

To find the amount Waseem will have to pay for the jeans, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the rebate amount.
The rebate amount is obtained by multiplying the original cost of the jeans by the rebate percentage.
Rebate amount = Rs6650 * (6/100) = Rs399

Step 2: Find the discounted price after the rebate.
Discounted price = Original cost - Rebate amount
Discounted price = Rs6650 - Rs399 = Rs6251

Step 3: Calculate the sales tax.
Sales tax is obtained by multiplying the discounted price by the sales tax rate.
Sales tax = Rs6251 * (10/100) = Rs625.1

Step 4: Calculate the final amount to be paid.
Final amount = Discounted price + Sales tax
Final amount = Rs6251 + Rs625.1 = Rs6876.1

Therefore, Waseem will have to pay Rs6876.1 for the jeans after getting the rebate and paying the sales tax.

6650 * 0.94 * 1.10