Will you please suggest a few sites or exercises for retention. I've been out of school 20 years. In the office, we use Excel. I am passing the problem quizes and exams but NEED help with vocabulary. I simply can not remember.

I don't know of anything that beats flashcards for memory. Word on one side, definition on the other. Go through them at every chance, whenever you have ten minutes or so. Carry them in your purse. Keep them in two piles, one you get often, and the ones you stumble on. Do the stumble words every chance, review the others every other day. I like to keep them sorted by rubber bands.

Thanks, will do.

Of course! Improving retention can be challenging, especially after being out of school for a long time. Here are a few suggestions and resources that can help you with vocabulary retention:

1. Flashcards: Flashcards are a popular and effective way to learn and retain vocabulary. You can create physical flashcards using index cards or use online platforms like Quizlet or Anki to create and practice with digital flashcards.

2. Vocabulary Building Apps: There are numerous apps available that can help you expand your vocabulary and improve retention. Some popular ones include Duolingo, Memrise, and Vocabulary.com. These apps offer interactive exercises, quizzes, and games to make the learning experience more engaging.

3. Online Vocabulary Courses: Consider enrolling in an online vocabulary course designed for adult learners. Websites like Udemy, Coursera, and edX offer a wide range of language and vocabulary courses that you can take at your own pace.

4. Reading Books or Articles: Reading regularly can greatly enhance your vocabulary. Choose books or articles that interest you and challenge yourself with slightly more advanced material. Whenever you encounter new words, make it a habit to look up their meanings and try to incorporate them into your own conversations or writing.

5. Word of the Day/Email Subscriptions: Sign up for "Word of the Day" or vocabulary email subscriptions. Many websites and apps offer this feature, sending you a new word along with its definition and usage every day. This will gradually introduce you to new words and reinforce your learning.

6. Contextual Learning: Try to learn new vocabulary words in context rather than in isolation. This can include using new words in sentences, associating them with images or examples, or linking them to personal experiences. Creating meaningful connections will make it easier for you to remember them.

Remember, repetition and consistent practice are crucial for retention. Try to allocate a specific time each day or week for vocabulary practice, and don't feel discouraged if you don't remember everything immediately. With time and persistence, your vocabulary retention will improve.