what kind of reactions require oxidizing agent(reduced or oxidized) for example SO3->SO4 does it require oxidizing or reducing agent why?

I know what you're asking but I think you gave the wrong example. Is that SO3^2- ==> SO4^2-. If so, then S on the left is +4 and S on the right is +6 so the change is -2 electrons. Since oxidation is the loss of electrons then SO3^2- must be oxidized. That means SO3^2- is the reducing agent (it is oxidized) so you want an oxidizing agent to oxidize sulfite to sulfate.

what about 2Br^- ===>Br2

What about it.

Go through the same reasoning and I'll check it for you. Remember the definitions.
Oxidation is the loss of e.
Reduction is the gain of e.
The material oxidized is the reducing agent.
The material reduced is the oxidizing agent.

To determine whether a reaction requires an oxidizing or reducing agent, you need to analyze the changes that occur in the oxidation states of the elements involved.

In the given example, the reaction is: SO3 -> SO4

1. Start by determining the oxidation states of each element in the reactant (SO3) and the product (SO4).

The oxidation state of oxygen (O) in compounds is typically -2.

For SO3:
Oxidation state of sulfur (S) = x
Oxidation state of three oxygens (O) = -2 each

Using the fact that the sum of oxidation states in a compound is zero, we can set up an equation:
x + 3(-2) = 0

Simplifying the equation gives us:
x - 6 = 0
x = +6

Thus, the oxidation state of sulfur in SO3 is +6.

For SO4:
Oxidation state of sulfur (S) = x
Oxidation state of four oxygens (O) = -2 each

Using the equation:
x + 4(-2) = 0

x - 8 = 0
x = +8

So, the oxidation state of sulfur in SO4 is +8.

2. Compare the oxidation states of sulfur in the reactant and the product.

In this case, sulfur in SO3 has an oxidation state of +6, while sulfur in SO4 has an oxidation state of +8. We observe an increase in the oxidation state of sulfur from +6 to +8.

An increase in oxidation state indicates oxidation, which means that the sulfur atom undergoes a loss of electrons. To accomplish this, it requires an oxidizing agent. Therefore, the reaction of SO3 -> SO4 requires an oxidizing agent to facilitate the oxidation process.

In summary, to determine whether a reaction requires an oxidizing or reducing agent, you analyze the change in oxidation states of the elements involved. An increase in the oxidation state requires an oxidizing agent, while a decrease requires a reducing agent.