1.During the month of June, Ava kept track of the number of days she saw birds in her garden. She saw birds on 18 days of the month. What is the experimental probability that she will see birds in her garden on July 1?

my answer: 3/5

2.A rectangle has a width of 4 inches and a length of 6 inches. A similar rectangle has a width of 12 inches. What is the length of the similar rectangle?
my answer: 18 inches

3. n MP3 player has a playlist with 9 songs. You select the shuffle option, which plays each song in a random order without repetition, for the playlist. In how many different orders can the songs be played?
my answer: 362880

4. A bag contains 7 purple beads, 4 blue beads, and 4 pink beads. What is the probability of not drawing a pink bead?
my answer: 11/15

5. A survey reveals that one airline's flights have a 92% probability of being on time. Based on this, out of 4,000 flights in a year, how many flights would you predict will arrive on time?
my answer: 3,680

good job, they were all correct

1. To find the experimental probability that Ava will see birds in her garden on July 1, we need to know how many days she kept track of in June. Let's assume there are 30 days in June. Then, the experimental probability would be calculated by dividing the number of days she saw birds (18) by the total number of days in June (30).

Experimental probability = Number of successful outcomes / Total number of possible outcomes
Experimental probability = 18 / 30
Experimental probability = 3/5

So, your answer of 3/5 is correct.

2. To find the length of the similar rectangle, we can use the concept of proportions. Since the rectangles are similar, their corresponding sides are in the same ratio.

Ratio of width: 4/12 = 1/3

To find the length of the similar rectangle, we multiply the ratio by the width of the similar rectangle.

Length of similar rectangle = Ratio × Width of similar rectangle
Length of similar rectangle = (1/3) × 12
Length of similar rectangle = 4 inches

So, your answer of 4 inches is incorrect. The correct length of the similar rectangle is 4 inches.

3. To find the number of different orders in which the songs can be played, we can use the concept of permutations. Since the songs are played in a random order without repetition, we need to calculate the permutations of the 9 songs.

Permutations = 9!

Here, the exclamation mark represents factorial. Factorial means multiplying a number by all the positive integers below it.

Permutations = 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
Permutations = 362,880

So, your answer of 362,880 is correct.

4. To find the probability of not drawing a pink bead, we need to know the total number of beads in the bag. Adding the number of purple, blue, and pink beads, we get:

Total number of beads = 7 + 4 + 4 = 15

Probability of not drawing a pink bead = 1 - (Number of pink beads / Total number of beads)
Probability of not drawing a pink bead = 1 - (4 / 15)
Probability of not drawing a pink bead = 11/15

So, your answer of 11/15 is correct.

5. To predict the number of flights that will arrive on time, we can multiply the probability of a flight being on time (92%) by the total number of flights (4,000).

Number of flights predicted to arrive on time = Probability of being on time × Total number of flights
Number of flights predicted to arrive on time = 0.92 × 4,000
Number of flights predicted to arrive on time = 3,680

So, your answer of 3,680 is correct.