Shannon drove for 540 minutes, if she traveled 65 miles per hour, how many miles did she travel?

My answer: 581

Sorry 585 is answer

Good effort

But answer is wrong
540 minutes= 9 hours
9×65 = 585
581 is answer

To find out how many miles Shannon traveled, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

In this case, the speed is given as 65 miles per hour, and the time as 540 minutes. However, we need to convert the time from minutes to hours, as the speed is given in miles per hour.

To convert minutes to hours, we divide the number of minutes by 60:

540 minutes ÷ 60 = 9 hours

Now we can calculate the distance:

Distance = 65 miles/hour × 9 hours

Distance = 585 miles

Therefore, Shannon traveled 585 miles.