Mothballs are composed of a chemical called naphthalene which has a formula of C10H8

a) what is the mass of a single naphthalene molecule in amu?
b) what is the molar mass of naphthalene?
c) what is the mass of a single naphthalene molecule in grams?

I think I got b: 128.16 g/mol but the other ones I have no idea. If I had to guess I would say they all have the same answer.

b is correct.

a. A single molecule has a mass of 128.15 amu
c. Since there are 6.022E23 molecules in a mole (128.16g), then 1 atom has a mass of 128.16/6.022E23 = ?

a) To find the mass of a single naphthalene molecule in atomic mass units (amu), we need to add up the atomic masses of all the atoms in the molecule.

The formula of naphthalene is C10H8, indicating that it contains 10 carbon (C) atoms and 8 hydrogen (H) atoms.

The atomic mass of carbon (C) is approximately 12.01 amu, and the atomic mass of hydrogen (H) is approximately 1.01 amu.

To find the mass of a single naphthalene molecule, we can calculate:
(10 * atomic mass of carbon) + (8 * atomic mass of hydrogen)

Substituting the values:
(10 * 12.01 amu) + (8 * 1.01 amu) = 120.1 amu + 8.08 amu = 128.18 amu

Therefore, the mass of a single naphthalene molecule is approximately 128.18 amu.

b) You are correct! The molar mass of naphthalene can be calculated by summing the atomic masses of all the atoms in one mole of naphthalene.

Using the same atomic masses as before:
(10 * atomic mass of carbon) + (8 * atomic mass of hydrogen)

Substituting the values:
(10 * 12.01 g/mol) + (8 * 1.01 g/mol) = 120.1 g/mol + 8.08 g/mol = 128.18 g/mol

Therefore, the molar mass of naphthalene is 128.18 g/mol.

c) To find the mass of a single naphthalene molecule in grams, we can use the Avogadro's number to convert the number of naphthalene molecules to grams.

The Avogadro's number states that there are 6.02214 x 10^23 molecules in one mole of a substance.

Dividing the molar mass of naphthalene (128.18 g/mol) by Avogadro's number, we can calculate the mass of a single naphthalene molecule in grams:
128.18 g/mol / (6.02214 x 10^23 molecules/mol) ≈ 2.13 x 10^-22 grams per molecule.

Therefore, the mass of a single naphthalene molecule is approximately 2.13 x 10^-22 grams.