Why do people commit sexual assult?

This is what I have so far:
- for power or control
- women-haters
- have been assulted in the past

could you tell me some more pls.

Isn't that enough?

Sometimes those who commit sexual assault are impotent in normal situations.

thank you

Certainly, I can provide you with some additional insights regarding why people commit sexual assault. It's important to note that sexual assault is a complex issue and can be influenced by multiple factors. Here are a few more reasons that are commonly mentioned by researchers and experts:

1. Lack of empathy and perspective-taking: Some individuals may have difficulty understanding or considering the feelings and perspectives of others, leading to a lack of empathy. This can contribute to a disregard for consent and boundaries.

2. Socialization and cultural norms: Societal attitudes and cultural norms surrounding gender, power, and sexuality can play a role in shaping individuals' beliefs and behaviors. In some cases, harmful beliefs about entitlement or male dominance are reinforced, contributing to the perpetuation of sexual violence.

3. Psychopathology or mental health issues: Certain mental health disorders, such as antisocial personality disorder, sociopathy, or paraphilias, may increase the risk of sexual assault. However, it is essential to note that the vast majority of people with mental health issues do not engage in sexual assault.

4. Substance abuse: The use of alcohol or drugs can impair judgment, decrease inhibitions, and increase the likelihood of engaging in harmful behaviors, including sexual assault.

5. Peer pressure and conformity: In certain situations, individuals may be influenced by their social circle or a specific group to participate in sexual assault or engage in behavior they would not otherwise consider.

It is crucial to remember that these reasons, while providing some understanding, never justify or excuse sexual assault. Sexual assault is a serious crime with significant physical and psychological impacts on survivors, and the responsibility lies solely with the perpetrator.