Marcela 527 donuts from Dunkin Donuts. She ate one ninth of the donuts. She took the remaining donuts and shared them equally amongst 12 classmates. How many donuts did each friend receive?

if she ate 1/9, she has 8/9 so

527 * 8/9 = 486.44...
(Assume 486 for practical purposes...)
then she gave the rest to 12 classmates so
486 / 12 = 39

so each classmate got 39 donuts ... and a sugar rush

typo, meant 468 not 486 but numbers still work out

To find out how many donuts each friend received, we first need to calculate the number of donuts Marcela ate.

Marcela had 527 donuts, and she ate one-ninth of them. To find out how many donuts she ate, we can multiply 527 by 1/9.

527 * (1/9) = 58.56 (rounded to the nearest whole number)

So, Marcela ate approximately 59 donuts.

Now, we need to find out how many donuts were left after Marcela ate.

527 - 59 = 468 donuts were left.

Next, we need to divide the remaining donuts equally among her 12 classmates. To find out how many donuts each friend received, we can divide the number of remaining donuts by the number of friends.

468 / 12 = 39.

Each friend received 39 donuts.

Therefore, each friend received 39 donuts.