I read play ecstasy of rita joe and I'm doing analysis paper on character of rita. I need to come with argument for thesis. I'm trying to say that she doesn't really listen and understand white people, and this trait of hers leads her to trouble but I don't know how to reword to make thesis. Also I don't know what title should be. Needs to be two parts.

This should help you write a thesis statement.


Thesis statement:

The Consequences of Rita's Deficient Understanding of White Perspectives in "The Ecstasy of Rita Joe"


To reword your thesis statement and make it more concise, consider the following revised formulation:

Rita's limited ability to comprehend and empathize with white people in "The Ecstasy of Rita Joe" results in adverse outcomes.

This thesis highlights the role of Rita's lack of understanding of white perspectives and the subsequent troubles she faces throughout the play.


Part 1: "Navigating Cultural Chasms: Rita's Struggle to Comprehend White Perspectives in 'The Ecstasy of Rita Joe'"

This title signifies the central conflict of Rita's character, emphasizing her difficulty in navigating the cultural divide between herself and the white individuals she encounters.

Part 2: "Consequences of Misunderstanding: Exploring the Adverse Effects of Rita's Limited Understanding of White Perspectives in 'The Ecstasy of Rita Joe'"

This title underscores the negative repercussions stemming from Rita's inability to fully comprehend the motives and intentions of white people, shedding light on the specific consequences her character experiences throughout the play.