A model car has a scale of 1:24, where the model dimensions are in the numerator and the actual dimensions are in the denominator. if the tires on the model have a diameter of 1/2 inch, how long is the diameter of an actual tire on the car?

1 : 24 ---> 1/2 : 12

To find the length of the diameter of an actual tire on the car, we'll use the scale of the model car.

Model car scale: 1:24
Model tire diameter: 1/2 inch

Step 1: Determine the scale conversion factor.
The scale conversion factor can be found by dividing the numerator of the scale by the denominator.
Conversion factor = 1/24

Step 2: Convert the model tire diameter to the actual tire diameter.
To convert the model tire diameter to the actual tire diameter, multiply the model tire diameter by the conversion factor.
Actual tire diameter = Model tire diameter * Conversion factor
Actual tire diameter = (1/2 inch) * (1/24)
Actual tire diameter = 1/48 inch or approximately 0.0208 inches

Therefore, the diameter of an actual tire on the car is 1/48 inch or approximately 0.0208 inches.

To find the length of the diameter of an actual tire on the car, we need to use the scale ratio and the given information about the model tire diameter.

- Model scale: 1:24
- Model tire diameter: 1/2 inch

First, let's understand what the scale ratio means. In a scale ratio, the numerator represents the model dimensions, and the denominator represents the actual dimensions. In this case, the numerator refers to the model, and the denominator refers to the actual dimensions.

So, in this case, the 1:24 scale means that 1 unit in the model corresponds to 24 units in actual dimensions.

Since we know the model tire diameter is 1/2 inch, we can set up a proportion using the scale ratio:

(model diameter) / (actual diameter) = (model scale) / (actual scale)

Let's assign variables:
Let x be the actual diameter of the tire on the car.

Now, we can set up the proportion:

(1/2) / x = 1 / 24

Cross-multiplying, we have:

1 * x = (1/2) * 24
x = 12 / 2 = 6

Therefore, the diameter of an actual tire on the car is 6 inches.