What does the word "melancholy" mean?

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The word "melancholy" is an adjective used to describe a feeling of sadness, a deep and long-lasting sadness, often without a specific cause. To understand the meaning of this word, you can break it down into its parts.

"Melan-" is derived from the Greek word "melas," meaning "black" or "dark." This root refers to the feeling of darkness or gloom that is associated with melancholy. "-Choly" is derived from the Greek word "kholḗ," meaning "bile" or "gall." In ancient medical beliefs, an excess of black bile was thought to cause a gloomy disposition or temperament, which led to melancholy.

When considering these roots, "melancholy" refers to a dark or gloomy state of mind, characterized by sadness, sorrow, or a feeling of being downcast. It often carries a sense of longing or nostalgia as well. This word is commonly used to describe a deep-seated, introspective sadness, often unrelated to a specific event or circumstance.