Find the decimal equivalent of the mixed number 11 1/4

What is the decimal equivalent of 1/4? (Think money -- a quarter of a dollar = ?? )


You get this by putting 11 point, then dividing 1 and 4 to get 0.25. Add the two together to get 11.25. Does that make sense?

To find the decimal equivalent of a mixed number, you can convert it to an improper fraction and then divide the numerator by the denominator. Here's how you can do it for the mixed number 11 1/4:

Step 1: Convert the whole number and the fraction into an improper fraction.
- Multiply the denominator (4) by the whole number (11): 4 x 11 = 44
- Add the numerator (1) to the result: 44 + 1 = 45

Step 2: Write the result as the numerator of the improper fraction, and keep the denominator the same: 45/4

Step 3: Divide the numerator by the denominator to find the decimal equivalent:
- Divide 45 by 4: 45 ÷ 4 = 11.25

So, the decimal equivalent of the mixed number 11 1/4 is 11.25.