The authors of the Federalist Papers stated that when framing a government the government must first be able to control the governed and also be able to control itself. To what extent were the founding fathers successful in implementing these goals?

What do you think?

I think they were very successful because today we still have checks and balances

To determine the extent to which the founding fathers were successful in implementing the goals of controlling the governed and controlling the government itself, you need to analyze both aspects separately.

Controlling the Governed:
1. Define the goals: Start by understanding what the founding fathers meant by "controlling the governed." They aimed to create a government that maintains order, ensures stability, and protects individual rights while representing the will of the people.
2. Research the structure: Explore the mechanisms established by the Constitution to control the governed. For example, the separation of powers, with checks and balances between the three branches of government, was designed to prevent any single entity from becoming too powerful.
3. Examine outcomes: Assess whether the government successfully maintains control over the governed. Look into the establishment of laws, enforcement of order, protection of individual rights, and representation of the people's interests. Consider historical examples, such as the peaceful transition of power through elections.

Controlling the Government:
1. Understand the objective: The founding fathers aimed to create a government that could effectively govern itself, avoiding tyranny or corruption.
2. Research the mechanisms: Examine the institutional features established by the Constitution to control the government's actions. These include the separation of powers, the system of checks and balances, and the independence of the judiciary.
3. Evaluate effectiveness: Assess if these mechanisms have been successful in ensuring that the government operates within its constitutional limits. Analyze historical examples, such as impeachment proceedings, judicial review, and legislative oversight, to determine if the government has held itself accountable.

Based on your research and analysis, draw conclusions regarding the founding fathers' success in achieving their goals. Consider factors like historical events, amendments and changes to the Constitution, and ongoing debates about the balance between control and individual liberties. Remember that evaluations may differ based on individual perspectives and interpretations of history.