Shelly is working 250 math problems and she wants to finish in 6 days. If she works the same number of problems each day for 5 days how many problems will she have left to work on day 6?

If she does n problems on each of the first 5 days, then that makes 5n.

So, she will have 250-5n left on the 6th day.

To find out how many problems Shelly has left to work on day 6, we need to first determine the number of problems she works each day for the first 5 days.

Since Shelly wants to finish 250 math problems in 6 days, we can find the number of problems she should work each day by dividing the total number of problems by the number of days:

Total number of problems ÷ Number of days = Number of problems per day

250 ÷ 6 = 41.67

We can round this number to the nearest whole number since Shelly cannot complete a fraction of a problem. Therefore, Shelly needs to work approximately 42 problems per day.

Now let's calculate how many problems Shelly has worked in the first 5 days:

Number of problems per day × Number of days = Total problems worked

42 problems per day × 5 days = 210 problems

So, Shelly will have solved 210 math problems in the first 5 days.

To find the number of problems she has left on day 6, subtract the problems she has already solved from the total number of problems:

Total number of problems - Problems solved = Problems left

250 problems - 210 problems = 40 problems

Therefore, Shelly will have 40 problems left to work on day 6.