x/3=2 x=2*3 x=6

x/6=3 x=3*6 x=18

How would I get the missing number?

?/3 = 2
?/6 = 3

What number divided by 3 will equal 2. Multiply 3 times two for the answer.
Same for ?/6=3.

what do u divide by to get 2
what u divide by to get 3

To find the missing number in the equation ?/3 = 2, you need to ask yourself "What number can I divide by 3 to get 2?"

To solve this equation, you can use the opposite operation of division, which is multiplication. Divide both sides of the equation by 3 to isolate the variable:

?/3 = 2
(3/3) * ? = 2 * 3/3
? = 6/3
? = 2

So, the missing number in the equation ?/3 = 2 is 2.

Similarly, to find the missing number in the equation ?/6 = 3, you need to ask yourself "What number can I divide by 6 to get 3?"

To solve this equation, you can again use the opposite operation of division, which is multiplication. Divide both sides of the equation by 6 to isolate the variable:

?/6 = 3
(6/6) * ? = 3 * 6/6
? = 18/6
? = 3

So, the missing number in the equation ?/6 = 3 is 3.