This table shows the distances and time wade walked in two days.

Friday 1.5 miles 0.5 hours
Saturday 1.15miles 0.4 hours
on which of these days did wade walk at a faster rate?

1.5/0.5 = 3 mph

1.15/0.4 = 2.875 mph

To determine on which day Wade walked at a faster rate, we need to compare the rates of walking on Friday and Saturday.

The rate of walking can be calculated by dividing the distance walked by the time taken.

Rate on Friday = Distance/Time = 1.5 miles / 0.5 hours = 3 miles per hour

Rate on Saturday = Distance/Time = 1.15 miles / 0.4 hours = 2.875 miles per hour

Comparing the rates, we can see that Wade walked at a faster rate on Friday, with a rate of 3 miles per hour.

To determine on which day Wade walked at a faster rate, we need to compare his speed on Friday and Saturday. The speed can be calculated by dividing the distance walked by the time taken.

Let's calculate the speed for each day:

On Friday:
Distance walked = 1.5 miles
Time taken = 0.5 hours

Speed on Friday = Distance walked / Time taken = 1.5 miles / 0.5 hours = 3 miles/hour

On Saturday:
Distance walked = 1.15 miles
Time taken = 0.4 hours

Speed on Saturday = Distance walked / Time taken = 1.15 miles / 0.4 hours ≈ 2.88 miles/hour

Comparing the two speeds, we can see that Wade walked at a faster rate on Friday, with a speed of 3 miles/hour, compared to Saturday's speed of approximately 2.88 miles/hour.

Therefore, Wade walked at a faster rate on Friday.