wat happen during the reconstruction plans after the civil war


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During the Reconstruction period after the Civil War in the United States, several significant events took place. Here is a summary of some key points:

1. Freedmen's Bureau: The Freedmen's Bureau was established to assist formerly enslaved African Americans in their transition to freedom. It provided basic necessities like food, medical care, and education.

2. Black Codes: Southern states enacted Black Codes to restrict the rights and freedoms of African Americans. These laws aimed to maintain a system of white supremacy and control the labor force.

3. Civil Rights Act of 1866: This act granted citizenship and equal protection under the law to all individuals born in the United States, regardless of race.

4. Reconstruction Acts: These acts divided the South into military districts and imposed new requirements for readmission to the Union. They also granted African American men the right to vote.

5. 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments: The 13th Amendment abolished slavery, the 14th Amendment granted equal protection under the law and citizenship rights to all individuals born in the U.S., and the 15th Amendment prohibited the denial of voting rights based on race.

6. Granting of Voting Rights: African American men in the South gained the right to vote, participate in politics, and hold office during this period. This led to the election of African American legislators and officials.

7. Ku Klux Klan: As a response to the increasing political power of African Americans, white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan emerged, using violence and intimidation to suppress black voters and regain white control.

8. Compromise of 1877: The disputed presidential election of 1876 led to a compromise between Republicans and Democrats, which effectively ended the Reconstruction era. Southern Democrats regained political control, leading to the establishment of "Jim Crow" laws and the segregation of African Americans.

For a more detailed understanding of the Reconstruction plans and events, I recommend checking out the article on Wikipedia about Reconstruction, which provides extensive information. Additionally, exploring external links provided on the page can offer further insights.