Finn is 9 years younger than Pari. Pari is twice as old as Finn. How old is Finn?

Finn = 9

Pari = 18

18 / 2 = 9

Eli, if this were a 4 mark question on my test, I would give you 1 mark for the answer.

proper method:

let Pari's age be x
then Finn's age is x-9

x = 2(x-9)
x = 2x - 18
-x = -18
x = 18

So Pari is 18, and Finn is 9

To find out how old Finn is, let's break down the information given:

1. Finn is 9 years younger than Pari.
Let's assume Pari's age is represented as X. So, Finn's age can be represented as X - 9.

2. Pari is twice as old as Finn.
According to this information, Pari's age is twice the age of Finn's. So, Pari's age is 2 times (X - 9).

Now, we need to solve this equation to find Finn's age:
Finn's age (X - 9) = Pari's age (2 times X - 18)

Expanding the equation, we get:
X - 9 = 2X - 18

To solve for X, we can follow these steps:

1. Subtract X from both sides:
X - X - 9 = 2X - X - 18
-9 = X - 18

2. Add 18 to both sides:
-9 + 18 = X - 18 + 18
9 = X

Therefore, Pari's age (X) is 9, which means Finn's age is:
Finn's age (X - 9) = 9 - 9
Finn's age = 0

Therefore, Finn is 0 years old.