Here is the graph for the question:

Year|Average Gas Price

What equation models the data?
What are the domain and range of the equation?
Do you think your equation is a good fit for the data? Explain how you determined your answers.

Can someone please help me? Iv'e been doing math all day and my brain is fried....Please help...(=

up, down, up, down

could try a polynomial (a x^4 + b x^3 etc...) but they are dangerous when you try to continue them out because they go to infinity for big t
maybe a sine wave with an up trend?
the domain is 2005 to 2015
the range is 2.25 to 3.51

price = a t + b sin( 2 pi t/T) maybe?

Ok, thanks. What would an equation be for this in slope intercept form or point slope form?

Please explain???

neither, I am not trying to fit that with a line.

You might try point - slope
but it will not fit very well.
Your data is too bumpy to fit well with a straight line.

Ok, so then what should I put as my answer? It says to make an equation....)=

To find the equation that models the data, we need to determine the relationship between the average gas price and the corresponding years. In this case, it appears that the gas prices fluctuate over time but don't follow a clear trend.

One way to find an equation that approximately models the data is by using a regression analysis. However, in this case, we can see that there isn't a strong pattern, so a simple linear equation may not be the best fit.

To determine the domain and range of the equation, we need to consider the possible values for the input (year) and the output (average gas price). In this case, the domain would be the range of years provided in the data, which is from 2005 to 2015. The range would be the set of average gas prices presented in the data.

Since there isn't a clear trend and the data points don't follow a specific pattern, it is difficult to say if any equation would be a good fit for the data. It would be more appropriate to describe the data using the given points and indicate the fluctuations in average gas prices over the years.

Please note that an equation is typically used to model data when there is a clear trend or pattern in the data points. In cases where the data is more scattered or doesn't follow a specific trend, using an equation may not provide an accurate representation.