one reason carbon monoxide(CO) is toxic is that it binds to the blood protein hemoglobin more strongly than oxygen does. The bond between hemoglobin and CO absorbs radiation of 1953 cm^-1. (the units are the reciprocal of the wavelength in centimeters). Calculate the wavelength(in nm and A) and the frequency in Hz of the absorbed radiation.

Frequency*wavelength=speedof light.


To calculate the wavelength, we can use the relationship between wavelength (λ) and wave number (ν):

λ = 1 / ν

Given the wave number (ν) of 1953 cm^(-1), we can calculate the wavelength in cm:

λ = 1 / 1953 cm^(-1)

Next, we can convert the wavelength from cm to nm by multiplying by 10^7 (since there are 10^7 nm in 1 cm):

λ (in nm) = (1 / 1953 cm^(-1)) * 10^7 nm

To calculate the wavelength in angstroms (Å), we multiply the result in nm by 10:

λ (in Å) = λ (in nm) * 10

Finally, to calculate the frequency (ν) in Hz, we can use the speed of light (c) equation:

ν = c / λ

where the speed of light (c) is approximately 3.00 * 10^8 meters per second. Before applying this equation, we need to convert the wavelength into meters:

λ (in meters) = λ (in nm) * 10^(-9) m

Then we can calculate the frequency (ν) in Hz:

ν = (3.00 * 10^8 m/s) / λ (in meters)

Now, let's calculate each value step by step:

1. Calculate the wavelength in cm:
λ = 1 / 1953 cm^(-1)

2. Convert the wavelength to nm:
λ (in nm) = (1 / 1953 cm^(-1)) * 10^7 nm

3. Convert the wavelength to Å:
λ (in Å) = λ (in nm) * 10

4. Convert the wavelength to meters:
λ (in meters) = λ (in nm) * 10^(-9) m

5. Calculate the frequency in Hz:
ν = (3.00 * 10^8 m/s) / λ (in meters)

By following these steps, you should be able to calculate the wavelength (in nm and Å) and the frequency (in Hz) of the absorbed radiation.