Describe the effect of the Westerners on the Chinese economy and society.

What don't you understand about the sites I posted for you?

Westerners and western culture in general has been highly influential on the East, and perhaps the biggest effect of this influence has been economic.

??? can i say this?

That was not true in the mid 1800s.

The effect of the Westerners on the Chinese economy and society can be analyzed by looking at their historical interactions. Here's how you can approach understanding this topic:

1. Begin by studying the Opium Wars:
- Research the Opium Wars (1839-1860) which were fought between China and Western powers, particularly Britain.
- Understand that the wars resulted from China's attempts to restrict the British Opium trade, which caused significant economic and social upheaval.

2. Explore the aftermath of the Opium Wars:
- Examine the Treaty of Nanking (1842) which ended the first Opium War and forced China to open various ports to foreign trade.
- Learn how this treaty led to unequal treaties with other Western powers, giving them favorable trade privileges and territorial concessions.
- Consider the impact of these concessions on the Chinese economy, particularly in terms of loss of sovereignty and control over trade.

3. Study the concept of "Unequal Treaties":
- Understand that these treaties favored the Western powers economically, allowing them to control trade, establish extraterritorial rights, and impose concessions.
- Consider the resulting negative consequences for the Chinese economy, such as increased imports of cheap Western goods, outflow of silver, and loss of traditional industries.

4. Examine the influence of foreign powers on Chinese society:
- Investigate the establishment of Western enclaves and concessions in cities like Shanghai, where foreign influence grew.
- Discuss the spread of Western ideas like democracy, science, and technology, which had both positive and negative effects on Chinese society.

5. Analyze the rise of imperialism and spheres of influence:
- Research the period when Western powers and Japan carved out spheres of influence in China (late 19th and early 20th centuries).
- Explore how these developments impacted China's economy, as foreign powers controlled key industries and resources.

Overall, the Westerners had a profound, often negative effect on the Chinese economy and society. Their actions during the Opium Wars and subsequent unequal treaties led to economic exploitation, loss of sovereignty, social disruption, and the weakening of traditional industries.