Indication is to sign as cloud is to weather?

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To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the relationship between "indication" and "sign" in the same way as "cloud" and "weather".

Indication is a word or action that provides information or suggests something. Similarly, a sign is something that provides information or gives a clue about a specific appearance or occurrence.

Clouds, on the other hand, are visible masses of water vapor in the air, usually indicating atmospheric conditions such as rain, snow, or storms. Weather refers to the overall atmospheric conditions at a particular time and place, including factors such as temperature, precipitation, wind, and humidity.

So, the relationship between "indication" and "sign" is that they both give information or suggest something. In the same fashion, the relationship between "cloud" and "weather" is that clouds are an indication or sign of specific weather conditions.

Therefore, the answer to the analogy "Indication is to sign as cloud is to weather" is "yes," as both pairs share a similar relationship.