In which sentence does the prepositional phrase act as an adjective?

A. In the morning, we rested in bed.
B. We bought cookies in the red package?
C. During the day, Peter played with the cat
D. My sister is good at dancing?
Is it C?
Thank you

Adjective: describes a person place or thing

I believe you are correct.

No, you are not correct. "played" is what part of speech? What does "with the cat" modify?

Yes, you are correct. In sentence C, "During the day, Peter played with the cat," the prepositional phrase "During the day" acts as an adjective. It modifies the noun "Peter," providing information about when he played. To determine this, you can identify the prepositional phrase (in this case, "During the day") and consider how it relates to the noun it modifies (in this case, "Peter"). Since it provides additional details about the timing of Peter's actions, it acts as an adjective phrase.