Which of the following is NOT true about a nuclear power plant?

A. They can explode like a nuclear bomb.
B. They produce radioactive waste that must be safely stored for many years.
C. They produce fewer carbon emissions than a coal-fired power plant.
D. They are a relatively minor contributor to the USA’s energy demands.

is the answer D? please explain, thank you!

They cannot explode like a nuclear bomb, that's for sure.

Yes, the correct answer is D. A nuclear power plant is NOT a relatively minor contributor to the USA's energy demands.

To arrive at this answer, let's go through the options one by one:

A. They can explode like a nuclear bomb.
The statement is false. Nuclear power plant accidents can cause releases of radioactive material and severe damage to the infrastructure, but they do not explode like a nuclear bomb. Nuclear bombs are designed to create a self-sustaining chain reaction of nuclear explosions, which is not possible in a nuclear power plant.

B. They produce radioactive waste that must be safely stored for many years.
The statement is true. Nuclear power plants produce radioactive waste, which generally consists of spent fuel rods that need to be safely stored for long periods of time. The waste can remain radioactive for thousands of years, and safe storage is a significant concern.

C. They produce fewer carbon emissions than a coal-fired power plant.
The statement is true. Nuclear power plants do produce fewer carbon emissions compared to coal-fired power plants. Nuclear power is considered a low-carbon energy source as it does not emit carbon dioxide during the production of electricity.

D. They are a relatively minor contributor to the USA’s energy demands.
The statement is false. Nuclear power plays a significant role in meeting the energy demands of the United States. It currently accounts for around 20% of the country's total electricity generation, making it a major contributor to the energy mix.

Therefore, option D is the answer because it is the option that is not true about a nuclear power plant.