In English class, we had a guest speaker who did a presentation.

I have to do a response assignment based on that event.
But, in this case, what kind of writing am I supposed to do?
that's often my an obstacle to me.

Any help, I'll really appreciate it.

What did you think about the speaker? What did he or she talk about? Did it make sense to you? Do you agree with the speaker? Were you inspired by the speaker? Did you think he or she was dull and boring? Were you inspired to read more about whatever he/she talked about? Be honest in your response.

Ok, I'll my best to response those key points.

The writing still follows the same format that is...

You are writing an essay expressing your personal observations. You need an introductory paragraph that includes a thesis statement, at least three short paragraphs, each to make a point about the speaker and his/her message, and a conclusion.

In all good non-fiction writing or reporting, first you tell the reader (audience) what you are going to tell them, then tell them, then tell them what you told them. :)

I have listened to speakers who led my thinking along another path, down a road not traversed before. I could cite many examples, but I suspect it has happened to many before. It may not have been the speakers intention, but it happened. I have never forgotten listening to a speaker on anti-abortion, laying out his arguments about life, and all I could think on was the Texas Death Penalty for many crimes, and how randomly it was applied. Certainly, the speaker did not intend that (he was an avid law and order guy), but it took me down the path to never accepting the death penalty as justice. Sometimes these paths are just laid before us. Don't hesitate to explore them in your writing if it occurred.

For your response assignment based on the guest speaker's presentation, you will most likely be writing a reflective or a summary and analysis piece. Reflective writing involves sharing your thoughts, opinions, and personal experiences related to the presentation. It allows you to explore your own insights, feelings, and connections to the topic discussed.

To write a reflective piece, consider the following steps:

1. Take some time to think about the speaker's main arguments, ideas, or themes presented during the event.
2. Reflect on how these concepts relate to your own life, experiences, or the world around you.
3. Consider the impact the speaker's presentation had on you personally and intellectually.
4. Begin your response by introducing the event, mentioning the speaker's name, the topic discussed, and the purpose of the presentation.
5. Share your personal reaction and thoughts regarding the content of the presentation. Use specific examples, quotes, or anecdotes to support your reflections.
6. Analyze the speaker's arguments, evidence, or strategies used during the presentation. Discuss the effectiveness or persuasiveness of their approach.
7. Consider any questions or concerns that arose from the presentation. Were there any gaps in the information presented?
8. Summarize your main points and conclude by reiterating the significance of the event and its impact on you.

Alternatively, you may be assigned to write a summary and analysis of the presentation. In this case, you would focus on providing an overview of the key points discussed, analyzing the speaker's arguments or evidence, and evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of their presentation style.

To write a summary and analysis piece, follow these steps:

1. Begin your response by providing a brief summary of the presentation. Mention the speaker's name and topic, and summarize the main ideas or arguments presented.
2. Analyze the speaker's use of evidence, examples, or visuals to support their points. Evaluate the effectiveness of their supporting materials.
3. Consider the organization and structure of the presentation. Did the speaker effectively guide the audience through their ideas, or were there any confusing points or transitions?
4. Evaluate the speaker's communication skills, such as their clarity, tone, and engagement with the audience. Did they effectively convey their message?
5. Discuss any strengths or weaknesses you identified in the presentation's content, structure, or delivery.
6. Offer your own analysis or interpretation of the topic presented, relating it to any larger issues or themes.
7. Conclude by summarizing your main points and providing a final evaluation or reflection on the presentation's overall impact.

Remember to follow any specific guidelines or instructions provided by your English class teacher for this assignment. Good luck with your writing!